Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Jumping the Young Lady

from my FDL on 3-2-2012 “Nobody has announced a war, young lady. But we appreciate your sentiment. You’re jumping the gun a little bit, there.” Oh? Is THAT how we’re supposed to find out about war, Mr. Presididn’t? Announcements? Proclamations from unitary executive MIC puppets? No you flaming asshole, the “young lady” was not jumping the gun. Her question is extremely timely, especially in light of your upcoming fellatio appointment with Prime Minister Putz from Israel . “I think the Israeli government recognizes that, as president of the United States, I don’t bluff.” Nah, I think the Israeli government recognizes you are a limp-dicked, bloviator whose main purpose is to occupy the office of the President of the United States as a slick-tongued press secretary for the MICC, and you’ll do whatever the fuck you’re told. “Jumping the Gun.” What an interesting way to put it. No one is supposed to question your actions or intentions until after you’ve screwed the pooch, or in the case of Netanyahoo allowed him to screw us? What an audience of sycophantic morons you’ve acquired. Don’t jump until after the gun has been fired, and then only in support of our glorious leader who’s no leader at all, more like a front man. No. War. With. Iran. I hope more people follow the “young lady’s” example and PROact instead of react to your meaningless, patronizing BULLSHIT.


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